LELOS FIRST BIRTHDAY COUNT DOWN!!! Mommy tips on planning a nice but budget friendly party

14:13 Starter Fashionista Ma' 1 Comments


A whole week without posting .....can't believe it! FEEL LIKE I 'VE FAILED YALL BUT SOOOOOO BUSY!

My boss was on maternity leave and she's now back full force so Mahlaku is once again a very busy PA. And my youngest is turning 1 as well this week so party planning is now also in the mix for the past week and this week but I'm very happy with how things are coming along. On top of it all God blessed me with extra money so I can give my little Lelo a worthwhile while party (lol....not that she'll remeber much) BUT I'M HAPPY!!!

Five more days and still alot to do. I'll post lots of pics the party when I'm done then you can rate my party planning skills....neh.

Before I get into my 1ST PARTY PLANNING TIPS below...Here's a very late pic of my 2ND traditional "wedding" outfit as promised. What you think.....lol....BE HONEST. (Sorry I don't have a full length pic).By the grace of God the whole affair went well and I'm so glad its over!!!

Back to Lelo-Bear 1st Birthday!!!

The party is a combined birthday for both my lil princess and my nephew who turned 8 on Sunday 23 August 2015. The theme will be Soccer Balls and Teddy bears(fun right!) but for the purpose of the blog will be focusing on the Teddy Bear side i.e. My daughter Kgalalelo"Lelo" 1ST BDAY!


TIP 1- Choose a theme 

I wanted to choose a theme relevant to my baby and not to just go for a generic theme. Although it was struggle getting teddy bear themed party deco and supplies: I call her Lelo-Bear cause she is as sweet as a bear ,I swear I think she is the sweetest if not top 10 sweetest babies in the world-so calm ,so I went for the teddy bear theme ! I knew it would be difficult to get supplies so I started research a month in advance so when I saw it was possible I went online and prepared the invite and started planning the party accordingly.


This is a one year old's birthday and to be honest there is no need to be too extravagant so keep it simple. Do all the things you can you self that's why I'm planning and also gonna decorate and cook for the party myself. I used a party planner last for my eldest daughter Rere's 1st birthday but I'm older and wiser now. lol!Not only is it more budget friendly but it also makes the party come from the heart. Its all u and ur love expressed to your baby. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying make all the decor from scratch and not ask for help from family at all but put urself , your creative juices and all of you in creating a memorable day for your little one.

TIP 3-  Create a checklist

A basic element necessary for planning any event/thing. It will ensure all the plans and aspects of the party are covered. Here's my little checklist just to make sure all stays on track

1.Choose theme plus budget
2. Choose venue
MC MOOS Farmyard
3. Send invites
4. Order cake
Nick Thomsett
5. Get babies party outfits
6. Pay for all party supplies even those ordered online
My Party Supplies
China Mall Johannesburg
Big Time Sweets (City Deep)
7. Collections and all payments made

8. Buy Food
9. Prepare food

29/08/2015 (Morning)
10. Decorate and prepare party venue

29/08/2015 (1:30pm)
11. PARTY!!!

TIP 4-  Prepare

Prepare you deco plans (if u DIYing) and menus/foods you gonna serve for the kids and adults. For this you need to check with all those who have RSVP and confirm final numbers. You also need to advice the venue (if u using one) of your final numbers.
The venue I'm using is Mc Moos .Please check them out as an option for your next party. (Will give service feed back on my post with party pics next week.)http://www.mcmoos.co.za/

TIP 5 - Final details

Do all final payments , collections and finalize all the final details . Then you ready to party!!!

BONUS TIP- If you can have a combined birthday ,it half all the costs and you can enjoy double the fun!

Here a few items that I'll be using for the party:

The cake is gonna look like this but with a few details
Some of the party supplies as well as some in plain pink

CAN'T WAIT FOR THE PARTY NOW!5 more days to go!! Hope it all comes together as lovely  I'm imaging it will be!!!



13:06 Starter Fashionista Ma' 0 Comments

Good Day/Morning/Evening mammies depending on where you reading my blog from.

Hope all my fellow Mammies are well and good and especially that the babies are also very happy and healthy!

I promised a month ago that I would post a pic of my progress to date on my weight loss journey but I have to admit I am failing quite a bit and very sad at that BUT AM NOT GIVING UP!!! So anyway here it goes ,not much progress to date but not looking too shabby either.....

My face and hair not really on fleek BUT I'M LOVING MY OOTD!!!RIGHT?

As I'm sure you all know by now, I like other if not all woman LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVE shopping and I have found that I now have to buy a size 38 and not 36 anymore (now as in this year so far). This makes me quite sad ,given my age and height,am not supposed to be at this shape and weight at this stage in my life. I am currently now what would be regarded as a plus size woman. Although there are some great inspirational  plus size woman/models whom I adore like @thickleeyonce and  @lirisc 

Photo cred: Lirisc Instagram account

Photo cred: Lee Photography

Please check out these ladies Instagram accounts

They are so gorgeous ,oooze a whole lot of sex appealand  confidence ..... I absolutely love them!

Although I believe in their love yourself as you are philosophies and although there is a rise of appreciation and acceptance of plus size woman in fashion and the world in general, I just don't wanna remain plus size regardless. I have nothing against woman who are plus size and love it but I was not born nor grew up plus size hence my dismay and discomfort with my current size.

This post is not meant to be insulting or anything , just a "wake-up call" to me and other mommies struggling with their post pregnancy weight ,to get a move on and make the change we want!

Although you'll still look beautiful and our dear husband's will still love and adore us in our new bodies(THEY BETTER IF THEY KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR THEM...LOL), if you are not happy in your current body-change it! How u feel about yourself is the most important thing.

Photo cred:TruthMag.co.za
Thats why I admire Jennifer Hudson and Dineo Moeketsi so much;although they have been criticized for being too skinny now and told that they looked better thicker .They strived and accomplished bodies that they felt comfortable with AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS!!!I'M INSPIRED....
Photo cred: Blacktoptens.com

Anyway mammies forward I /we go #still working on loosing my baby weight #min 4kgs max 8 kgs .

Hopefully the September pic will have better results (so help me God!)

*dusts herself up , stands up and keeps walking

 P.S. More inspiring mommy fabulous outfits at The Pleated Poppy :Please visit WHAT I WORE


New month-new goals!!!

15:51 Starter Fashionista Ma' 0 Comments

Sunrise Each new day is a gift Poster
(Photo Credit-Zazzle.com)


Hi Mammies.

Its getting more and more challenging to post,  been a little discouraged with the readership but I know and understand that the blog is still new and a baby blog (see wat I did there....baby..lol)

Anyway will keep on posting and sharing and will get there eventually...

How the year has flown by - Can you imagine we already in August of 2015!!!

Have you achieved all the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? (or some at least)

God keeps giving us a chance to be better and get to where we want to get .With every new day He grants us and every new month, He gives us a chance and all we have to do is use it wisely. ( That's my Thot this Thursday)

Well to be honest I have failed so far on my main goals this year :-(  but the year isn't over yet. God giving chances are still available....pending...( I will share them with you towards the end of the year when I have hopefully achieve atleast 1.)

I'm really excited for the month of August however ;a lot of important events happening! I'm having my second traditional "wedding" and my little baby is turning into a toddler (Lelo's turning 1).


I used an app called Greenvelope to design this beautiful, eco-friendly digital invitation. Please try it on Greenevelope.com https://www.greenvelope.com- so convenient and the invitation designs and templates are so gorg! My new favourite bestie in party planning!

With regards to the traditional wedding , its just gonna be an intimate Tswana bride welcoming shindig, nothing hectic but still a bit exciting none-the-less. I had a huge TRADITIONAL CEREMONY at home after my husband paid lobola for me in 2011, so my in-laws were basically saying its customary for me to be sent to my new home(their home in Mafikeng) for the overall traditional part of wedding to be done.We yet to still also have a white wedding- one of my life goals...So that's what is happening this Sat...lol....4 years and two kids later!

I'll post pics of my tswana traditional makoti outfit on the blog Monday....it too "cute"...lol!!! 

So I'm really looking forward to this month, although I'm not doing as well as I wanted on my weightloss journey (so nervous for my progress pic on the 13th) ...its looking to be a great month!!! 

Thank you Lord for everything going well in advance :-)

Anyway although my post is all over the place , I'm basically trying to say God is always giving us opportunities , everyday,every hour we living on this earth ,to better ourselves.Can we honestly say we've used them the full?I know most people believe living their lives is partying it up or going to all the lavish and top of the range places (although there's nothing wrong with it) but I view living my life as being the best me I can be -making the world better. I hope that I will live and be who I'm supposed to be one day. But we must keep pressing and using all these God-giving opportunities to the best of your ability.

Lets try set new goals with each month ,as a means of accomplishing all our life goals ....sort of...a means to an end. Most importantly lets strive and live the best lives  we can live. And also encourage and teach our babies, families and future generations to do the same.