13:06 Starter Fashionista Ma' 0 Comments

Good Day/Morning/Evening mammies depending on where you reading my blog from.

Hope all my fellow Mammies are well and good and especially that the babies are also very happy and healthy!

I promised a month ago that I would post a pic of my progress to date on my weight loss journey but I have to admit I am failing quite a bit and very sad at that BUT AM NOT GIVING UP!!! So anyway here it goes ,not much progress to date but not looking too shabby either.....

My face and hair not really on fleek BUT I'M LOVING MY OOTD!!!RIGHT?

As I'm sure you all know by now, I like other if not all woman LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVE shopping and I have found that I now have to buy a size 38 and not 36 anymore (now as in this year so far). This makes me quite sad ,given my age and height,am not supposed to be at this shape and weight at this stage in my life. I am currently now what would be regarded as a plus size woman. Although there are some great inspirational  plus size woman/models whom I adore like @thickleeyonce and  @lirisc 

Photo cred: Lirisc Instagram account

Photo cred: Lee Photography

Please check out these ladies Instagram accounts

They are so gorgeous ,oooze a whole lot of sex appealand  confidence ..... I absolutely love them!

Although I believe in their love yourself as you are philosophies and although there is a rise of appreciation and acceptance of plus size woman in fashion and the world in general, I just don't wanna remain plus size regardless. I have nothing against woman who are plus size and love it but I was not born nor grew up plus size hence my dismay and discomfort with my current size.

This post is not meant to be insulting or anything , just a "wake-up call" to me and other mommies struggling with their post pregnancy weight ,to get a move on and make the change we want!

Although you'll still look beautiful and our dear husband's will still love and adore us in our new bodies(THEY BETTER IF THEY KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR THEM...LOL), if you are not happy in your current body-change it! How u feel about yourself is the most important thing.

Photo cred:TruthMag.co.za
Thats why I admire Jennifer Hudson and Dineo Moeketsi so much;although they have been criticized for being too skinny now and told that they looked better thicker .They strived and accomplished bodies that they felt comfortable with AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS!!!I'M INSPIRED....
Photo cred: Blacktoptens.com

Anyway mammies forward I /we go #still working on loosing my baby weight #min 4kgs max 8 kgs .

Hopefully the September pic will have better results (so help me God!)

*dusts herself up , stands up and keeps walking

 P.S. More inspiring mommy fabulous outfits at The Pleated Poppy :Please visit WHAT I WORE