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MOMMY MONDAY (Late post-Sorry)

So guess who I spent my Mommy Monday two girls RERE & LELO.  My helper had to go to the clinic yesterday so I had to take a day off work to stay at home with my girls yesterday( hence the late post as well,we were super busy).I would be a full time mom if I could but shuuuuuuuu I really commend my helper-it ain't an easy job!I was more tired than when I come back from work.I am always with my girls on weekend cause my helper is off on weekends but daddy is also around most if not all the time ,so its not as hectic.

SO HOW DID I SURVIVE ? Here are a few tips that helped me have a busy but yet smooth sailing day with my girls yesterday. I also believe these tips will ensure other starter moms as well as the kids have a great and educational day together when they have a day together. I don't know about you but I feel like since I work most the time during the week , I'm missing out on adding as much as I want to on how they being raised and ultimately their fundamentals, so every time I am with them I want to give them us much love and mould them as much as I can, in our limited time together.

1. Planning is key. 

Planning is essential  and key as it is in every other area of life. I woke up about an hour before my girls did and made myself breakfast and planned the day we were gonna have so that I didn't find myself going crazy and them frustrated in turn. I did this when they both sleeping and the house was quiet and I was relaxed, basically during my quite time, when I cud think nicely.I planned everything from the fun activities I wanted us to do, to what we were going to eat during the day, to what they would wear....the works.

2. Breakfast the most important meal of the day. 

I made both my girls a nutritional breakfast , both their favorites. This would ensure that had enough energy for the day and wouldn't be cranking for the first part of our day. I made the eldest eggs,cheese and polony ( she doesn't like bread that much) and tea , and baby porridge for the baby.

3.  Balance. 

Ensure that your children have play time, tv time,educational time and sleeping/nap time throughout the day. I really took advantage of this day cause chances are they just watch tv the whole day when they at home with the helper. I made sure I did exercises with them outside, we drew (lol ,well Rere does most of the drawing) and not just tv . I emphasis once again , make the most of your time together with your babies.

4. Sharing is caring. 

This one is specifically for mammies with two or more kids with a very small age gap. My daughters are 16 months apart so I have to share my attention towards them .I have  learnt not just to play with the baby but to also give the older one attention. Share your love, attention and energy equally among your kids. Let them both know their  loved and can depend on their mom. Also I am also working on getting them to learn to share their toys with each other....still a struggle for now but they will learn as they grow, I believe.

5. Me time/Time out.

 I don't know who of you have toddlers but boy can they be a handful! Throughout the day I had to also go out for space and to take a bit of me time. This was mostly possible when they were sleeping which they didn't do much to my dismay. (Hands on head). Only the baby slept once for two hours from 10-12 am. I quickly went out to relax and gather my thoughts. I found that this ensures you don't go crazy and scream non stop at the kids. Me time is good for us as moms but as well as our kids.

6. Lastly HAVE FUN!!!

When all is said and done , although I was tired, I had lots and lots of fun with my girls. I love every moment I spend with them and I'm sure they do too. Seeing their smiles one their faces when were doing our exercises and playing outside. I really treasure all these small moments as I know they won't be little for ever.

These are just a few tips I feel can help us have a better time when we are home alone with our kids. I basically summarized it alot since a wanted to write a straight forward post, that hit home.

To conclude I would like to leave you with this thought; we as moms are everything to our babies and have the God-given responsibility to help them be the best they can be!We should use all our moments with them to mould them the best we can. We mustn't be tired all the time , which I know happens being working moms and all,but rather use all these times to instill sound beliefs ,confidence in these little beings so as they grow they know they loved and can achieve and be what ever they want to be. I believe this is the greatest and most important job in the world.....MOTHERHOOD!

Remained blessed all you super moms!!!

P.S. Sorry for no pics is this post, we were so busy I forgot to take pics