10:15 Starter Fashionista Ma' 0 Comments


This is gonna be a very short post. As I'm sure you've noticed starterFashionstaMa'is undergoing a face lift. I'm so excited. I want this blog to be appealing to my readers (yes I see you guys,as few as we are currently) and as well as to interest and catch more mommys' attention and readership.

I shared a quote on my Facebook page yesterday and this is going to be my mission for this blog.

And also I believe if you doing something ,do it well!!!

So I basically just wanted to thank those who are currently reading the blog ,thank you for your support. I would also like to ask for your patience and continued support as we undergoing this much need facelift. I am aiming for the final product to be finished by 1 st August .

Can't wait for the finished product,u ll see it will be soooo worth it!!!

Thanks once again for the support and have yourself a blessed Tuesday further ...hugs and kisses