10 things I have to do before 30!!!# Bucketlist PART2

10:12 Starter Fashionista Ma' 0 Comments


As black woman the quest in beauty often involves weaves,weaves and lots of weaves. This often comes with neglecting your own hair and a receding hairline,which was the case with me so I cut my hair and I'm going back to nature!I'm really loving the short hair thus far, miss the weaves but for the health of my hair .Its worth it. Which is also why I will never relax my babies hair.

7. Host a big shun-dig of a party (I have never had a huge b-day party)

LOL....THIS ITEM IS A MUST!!! Not only because I will celebrating entering into a new milestone of life but also cause I never had a big birthday except for my 1st birthday-not that I remember, just saw pics. I refused to have a 21st ,was going through my strict Christian phase, where I was still focusing on getting God's approval by dead works so I thought it would be wrong for me to have a party and all the other birthdays were just normal. BUT NEXT YEAR I will be hosting a huge party- theme, dress-up,venue and all!!!I believe I will be rewarding myself and most importantly celebrating the gift of life God has blessed me with. Can't wait ....definitely gonna write  post about i
Photo cred-H Samuel Jewellers website

8. Start a business

Not only is life so expensive nowadays that you need more than one income stream to enjoy life, but God has over the years blessed me with loads and loads of business ideas. I pray for the grace to start a business next year. God gives us gifts,ideas and passions and its our duty to make em come to plus with His Grace. Im really praying and hoping this prayer of mine comes to life before my 30s. Prayer+ Faith+Hardwork=SUCCESS!!!....PRAYING REAL HARD....

9. Go on a nice holiday with the hubby and kids.

Simply because it would be to nice to have a family vacay and I can't wait to see my little babies in their cute bikinis and the little feet pitta-pattering on the beach.


In short I want to be like fine wine which gets better with age!!!

I just cant wait for the 30s....I'm ready


10 things I have to do before 30!!!# Bucketlist

12:55 Starter Fashionista Ma' 0 Comments

 Its been a loooooooooooooooooooooong post coming....Sorry for the silence! Life happened and have been a bit busy but also a bit lazy. To all of you who kept visiting my page even during the silence- So sorry and thank you for keeping the faith in me!

Anyway on a lighter note ,with the year coming to an end......(time flies!!!) and me turning 30 in the new year 2016,  thought I should share my  bucket list of things I HAVE TO DO before I HIT THE BIG 30!

30 is a big milestone and you're officially not a "young adult" anymore but a FULL GROWN WOMAN! I refuse to call it growing older but wiser, so most (not all) of my bucket list items are not so "wise" things I want to do before I reach what I will feel will be my full maturity point. Whether I do all of them ....hmhhhhhhh but here's my list anywho...lol....

Please keep an open mind and don't judge ,I've lived quite a quiet life so allow me to be adventurous and silly toe!!!

10 things to do before the BIG 30!!!

1. Enter a reality competition!

Don't know how far I will go in the competition but I just have to do this before I turn 30. I am going to wait in the queues of either IDOLS, Clash of the choirs or any other preferrably singing /talent competition before I hit the big 30, will even post about the experience. lol...#CAN'T WAIT!!!

2. GO bunjy jumping!

I know some of your ladies have most probably done this but I am such a scary cat but this I have to do . I'm seeing this as me facing my fears and leaping into a new chapter in my life.

3. Get a tatoo!

Get a heart tatoo on my wrist like (see pic)
I love love love this tatoo and I often draw it on my hand. Hearts symbolise love and I'm all about love and also it will represent that as an full adult I will always wear my heart on my sleeve....live life honestly.As whether I will pluck up the courage to do it...

4. Do something I've never do!
 This I can actually tick off my bucketlist but can't share what it is ...but I did it!

5. Spoil myself where I can...
 We work hard as moms especially as working moms and we need to sometimes spoil and indulge in ourselves. This I have also started doing and this item I will do before and through my 30S AND BEYOND!I even recently started a designer perfume collection for myself  just to pamper and spoil myself (WANT TO COLLECT 10 BY 30)cause I deserve to smell glorious,feel luxurious and be  spoiled -love myself. Please ladies we deserve and should love ourselves, if you don't spoil yourself ever .....please start!!!The main thing is to balance don't overindulge in yourself and loose focus of the kids and hubby and mostly GOD!

I have decided to make this post in two parts. I will post Part 2 of this post Thursday 12/11/2015...hope you like it so far!

P.S.S.S- I LOVE YOU .....lots.....@starterFASHIONISTAMa'