15:41 Starter Fashionista Ma' 0 Comments

Good day and happy March to all my starterFashionistaMas':-)

I can’t believe I went the whole of February 2016 without blogging and am very sorry. That was not planned but work and life generally sometimes gets toO busy, but let us keep pushing and pressing on to be better as the year progresses.

Why the excitement  about March? I am sorry for being biase about March but everyone loves their birth month and with me turning 30 this year (4 more days to go) ,my excitement is on overload!!! 30 is next biggest milestone to me after 21.

I posted a status on the 29th February 2016 on my FB account saying Dirty Thirties loading and a lot of people were so confused and some what shocked(I recently found out while planning my 30 party that this is what the 30s age group was called.) The shock was mostly due to me not really being that much of  a "dirty"(wild) person of course  but it got me wondering and really curious why this age group (30s) is referred to as the dirty thirties so that will be the main focus of this post.

We often use so many of these phrases cause they the “it thing” and everybody is using them but it’s also wise to know their origin and what they really mean (well at least I think it is)!A quick side track , I've always been know as a very emotional person and one who often and if not always wears her heart on her sleeve and I don’t mind….lol….so I (dramatic pause) celebrated it and made it official(another dramatic I did it Bucklist for 30 Item no. 3 CHECK!!! 

So excited ….what u think?

So back the "dirty thirties"


According to Urban Dictionary it is:The age at which single women without children realise that their biological clock is ticking, As a consequence they may lower their standards and increase their willingness to perform sexual acts as a matter of desperation in order to find a mate/sexual partner. They may also attempt to hook up with younger males as an attempt to elongate their youth.The expression almost always refers to women, as men are thought to always be in this state.

Another explanation for the "dirty thirties" or "dust bowl days" according to is that The Dust Bowl of the 1930s, sometimes referred to as the "Dirty Thirties” lasted about a decade. This was a period of severe dust storms which caused major agricultural damage to American and Canadian prairie lands, primarily from 1930 to 1936, but in some areas, until 1940. It was caused by severe drought and decades of extensive farming without crop rotation.The primary area of impact was on the southern plains, though northern areas were also affected, though not nearly with as much devastation. The drought hit first in the eastern part of the country in 1930 and by the next year it began to move westward. By 1934, it had turned the Great Plains into a desert and helped to lengthen the Depression.For decades, farmers had unknowingly not utilized the concepts of fallow fields and crop rotation, cover crops to manage soil fertility and quality, or other techniques to prevent erosion. The deep plowing of the topsoil had killed the natural vegetation that normally kept the soil in place and trapped moisture even during dry periods and high winds. Wheat crops, in high demand during World War I, further exhausted the topsoil and overgrazing stripped the western plains of virtually all other cover.As a result, during the drought of the 1930s, the soil dried and turned to dust, soon blowing in large dark clouds. Given names like "Black Blizzards" and "Black Rollers," these rolling clouds often reduced visibility to a few feet.The Dust Bowl got its name in April, 1935, when Robert Geiger, a reporter for the Associated Press, traveled through the region and wrote the following: "Three little words achingly familiar on a Western farmer's tongue, rule life in the dust bowl of the continent - if it rains." The term stuck, spreading across the airwaves and newspapers, though the people of the region hated the negative term, which they knew played a part in diminishing property values and business prospects in the region.

So in general it seems things associated with 30 are dreary and depressing. But I believe it all up to you. Growing up in general is not so easy. You getting older, more responsibilities and you loosing the carefree joys of your youth. But it doesn’t have to be a time to go wild and behave like you are having an early midlife crisis……(except on your party if you have one-then a lil letting go is allowed) and it also doesn’t have to a depressing and sad time either.I choose to view this as milestone ,a time to groom myself to be a better and a more wiser me. In your twenties you still getting to know who you are  and what you believe your purpose on this earth is. Although you can never fully know yourselves;God has made us such intricate beings- SO MANY LAYERS TO US ALL. The thirties are when most know who they are generally and what we want out of life.

This period of my life I will use to cultivate myself….I will get dirty pruning and digging and ploughing my soul so that the true me is revealed to the world. I will use these years to be more true to me, what I believe and most of all I will believe more in me and my abilities. I will push myself more, love myself more and risk more and hope for a better a great reward and rate of return on investments in myself and my dreams. I will also this period in my life to share my wisdom that I’ve gathered so far in my life with the youngings around and most importantly shape my daughters to be great woman who will grow up knowing that they can be great! SO with a few more days left till my life transitions -hese are my words and promises to me….SO HELP ME GOD!

Looking forward to a lot of interesting new challenges and experiences in life. This is also my advice to my mommies who might be entering this phase soon: Let us mature like fine wine which gets better with time and tackle this new chapter of our lives head on. And to all my mommies who are already strolling in their 30s keep growing and improving.

Hope you will take all this advice straight from my heart to your heart.Hope it will encourage you to have the courage to grow and look forward to it.
xxx Lots of love ,signing out @starterFASHIONISTAMA'