Good day mommies:-)
Another Monday in the year 2016....another late and not so frequent post (hides) ....but Most importantly another good insight into motherhood and all the blessings and challenges it brings along.
I just love being a young mom!! Along with all the joys and challenges it brings-IT IS TRULY A GOD GIVEN OPPORTUNITY!!!
Anyway the purpose of this post is to encourage moms ,especially moms raising daughters
(I'm not being bias, I have just unfortunately not being blessed with my own son as yet so don't really have the relevant experience...yet...lol) hence the title of the post
Me and my mom |
My daughters and their mom |
It is so nice raising a daughter especially as a young mom cause all the challenges, trials and insecurities face by young woman are still fresh in your mind. This is an opportunity afforded to you to ensure your daughters don't have to repeat your same mistakes and an opportunity to mould them into even better women then you are right now.I believe that if we as woman and mothers fufill our role properly each generation of woman will be better than the previous.
1- Have an open relationship with your daughters
Often in our African community, parents are very strict to such an extent that you can't speak about certain things with your parentals. I remember growing up and I was never allowed to speak about boyfriends, dating and absolutely not sex with my parents especially not my mom. There were certain things she never even mentioned to us until after I got married.
I believe that having an open relationship with your parents especially your mommy as a young girl will help you make wiser choices in your relationships and also I believe that you won't easily be sub-come to peer-pressure and being mislead by friends, which is why I have started building a very open relationship with my daughters. I want them to think of telling me first when they have their first crush; are contemplating their first kiss and any other advice they are looking for.....I WANT THEM TO KNOW THAT MOMMY IS HERE ,SHE KNOWS AND SHE WILL GUIDE ME BEST!
2- Embrace their natural beauty and how God created them
A way I have started doing this for my daughters is by deciding to grow their hair naturally. They were also actually also the reason why I cut my hair and decided to grow it naturally myself as well. They are also the reason why I am also embarking on a healthier body and lifestyle as well.
RERE's crown...so proud of my lil girl fully natural ,full and healthy hair |
I don't have anything against weaves and people who prefer them as I once also did and like they say different strokes for different folks.And even if my daughters decided to relax their hair and make it straight in the future I would be ok with it, if it will make them happy. But in a society where we are constantly encouraged to look like someone else , A society where african beauty is being portrayed as being light skinned, with straight long hair , a thin waist and a big booty- I want my daughter's to love themselves they way God made them. I suffered and still do sometimes still suffer low self confidence and self image issues; I want to ensure that my daughters never feel they are not pretty enough ,thin enough or good enough! I tell them everyday they are beautiful and good girls! I want them to be proud of being African, Tswana/Ndebele, South African but most importantly I WANT THEM TO BE PROUD OF JUST BEING THEMSELVES.
3. For them to live life purely and godly
I started my Christian walk seriously when I was 18 after having gone through quiet a few relationships and stuff. My biggest pray is to raise my daughters in the ways of the Lord. Give them a Christian foundation , there is a scripture that says
Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22 v 6).l'm sure I've mentioned the scripture before cause its one of my favorites.
My biggest pray for daughter's is that they love and desire the ways of the Lord from their young age till Jesus comes ; this will guide their decisions and their lives in the right direction...
This is my biggest pray!!!
4. You don't have to kiss a frog/frogs to find your prince
Unlike fairy tales,you don't have to kiss a frog to get your prince. When I think of the relationships we go through (some of them totally unnecessary and a total waste of time ) ,I pray and hope my daughters don't go through such drama in their lives. I want them to grow and focus on loving themselves sincerely and fully before embarking on relationships. I want them to focus on God and He'll provide them with a suitable companion. I know I cannot live their lives for them but I will surely tell them of my past bad experiences and guide them that relationships and dating should be left for later....lol.....much later in life!!!
Photo cred: Disney's The princess and the frog |
5. Education + Passion
We must invest more in our kids education. There are so many educational tools these days e.g.My Smart Kids , Brain Boosters , educational toys, videos etc. Lets invest in the growth of the desire to learn in our kids. Contrary to what people believe nowadays , education is still very important and its importance cannot be understated in life. Yes their are some people that are rich without degrees and qualification but a learned mind reasons better , knows more... and and and.....EDUCATION IS STILL KEY TO A BRIGHT FUTURE!
Passion and loving what they do is also important especially when choosing a career and I will let my girls choose careers that are in line with what they love.Which is why I also want to hone their talents especially in dancing for Rere. With Lelo (my youngest) I'm still discovering what she really likes as she is at that stage where she mostly copies her older sister. lol.
Those are my parenting tips, goals and dreams for raising my daughters.Hope you have as much fun reading this post as I did writing and most importantly that it helps you in journey of raising your queen, queens or even prince.
What are you biggest prayers and dreams for your children?
P.S. Sorry for the not so great quality of my family pics will invest in good camera soon
signing out ....@starterFASHIONISTAMA'